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Hi, I am Martin.

This is my blog on mainly technology, entrepreneurship and design. Links about just about anything comes through now and then though. I also run a site on photography called Digital Photo Guide! If you are into photography, why not check that out?

Go to digitalphotoguide.net

8 bullets on working from home

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Working from a remote location can be most empowering and productive if you can handle all the dangers lurking out there while doing it. This is a list of items I follow while working from outside the office.

Remote work

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Today, there is a trend that follow with same behaviour as Bring Your Own Device about where one should physically be to perform optimal.

For most of our lives it has been a custom that we all get up in the morning, get dressed, and go to the working place which often is a building somewhere away from home. Regardless what you do for a living, there is a place you are supposed to be each morning. Now as long as work is performed with tools that we can’t own ourselves we need to get somewhere to use them. But with the change in employment that is ongoing where ever more people work out of an office with a laptop the demand for a fixed workplace is reduced. The tools used is common ones that we all have at home, it’s nothing else then a software issue.

Water repellant nano coating

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I shared a link on this subject on Twitter not to long ago and found a movie on it tonight. This material is truly magical and the uses for it is next to endless.

Avoid mail overload

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Let’s face it. Not everyone have a mailbox that can be held empty on a daily basis to get maximum productivity. Some of us have a mailbox that feeds out of chaos and to change it would be nothing more then to introduce overhead into an already working workflow. But if we are not to empty it, how are we going to handle the mailbox in a way we can also work with?

February not like the others

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The new year always start with the month of confusion, January. After the holidays people return to their work and find the list of items they should have done by the end of the year but did not. The list is long and for some reason, the items on it are often big and time consuming. To jump start the new year we plan the coming months and what need to be finished by what date and this is where the whole yearly planning get out of control at an early stage. Enter February – the great deceiver.

Email search is flawed

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I use Outlook, Gmail and Mail on a daily basis on a wide range of devices as mail clients. Mail clients are used for three things in my life, to send mail, to read mail and to look up old mails to answer questions. The first two can be managed in all mail clients I have used but the problem often become visible when we look at the third. I have yet to find a single mail client that can provide me a search which gives me the answer I want in the first search. What would the perfect search look like you might ask?

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