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Tag Archive for Windows

Changing text editor is not a small thing, say hello to Sublime Text

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When on a Windows machine I have been using Notepad++ for many years as my one-stop-editor for everything I need to do quick and easy. It has served me well and it’s minimalistic edge has really been something I’ve loved it for. A change is however on the way. I have found another one.

Say hello to Sublime Text 2. I am not even sure that all functionality is there which I’ve learned to love in Notepad++ but still it made me switch silently. I just noticed today that I was using it instead of Notepad++ when I was throwing in a quick code fix for xds.se and it was as natural as if I had been using it for a long time. The full screen option in it gives your zen a boost in the right direction and together with the minimap at the right side it fitted me needs as the hand fits the glove. I also found that Sublime Text even supported markdown both in syntax and in visual appearance so that you can hide away all grungy code-ui and make it look like a quite slick text editor for writing text.

Even if you are not ready to let go of Notepad++ yet, give Sublime Text a spin and see how it works out for you.

Sublime Text 2

18 best free tools for Windows

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Now and then I find myself with a new laptop in my hands which I am to produce things with. At these times I always seem to install the same set of applications before I can feel at home with the new work-horse. I thought I’d be so bold to share this list of applications to you, if you know a better alternative to any of the mentioned applications do tell me! One thing very important here is that the list need to be free as far as possible, I do love open source.

To make this list as easy as possible to over-look I tried to categorize them for usage: Everyday tools, GTD, Graphical and Development.

Everyday tools


Application launcher so that you don’t need to have manus organized or tidy. Hit a shortcut and write the name of the application you would likt to launch and press enter – done! Takes a litle time to get use to but when you have, you wont be able to work without it.

Miranda IM

Instant Messaging-client which can be used for ICQ, MSN, Yahoo etc.

Chrome / FireFox

Personally I use Chrome as my favourite browser nowadays but I would recomend both Chrome and Firefox, they do deliver so much more then Internet Explorer, Opera or Safari currently does to mention a few.

Chrome instead of Firefox


For all countries where Spotify have been allowed to operate, the service has opened the door to music for the people.

Total Commander

Better controll over files and folders, integrated ftp-client etc.


A network-based service where you get 2GB of space for free at a remote server to store your files. Secure and swift!


For times you want to remotly store documents which are personal at places which can be in-secure you can encrypt them in a “vault” to increse security.


THE SSH and telnet client for windows.


Sftp and ftp client.

Open Office

Replacement for Microsft Office, free if course.


When it comes to torrents, this is the most minimalistic client I’ve found.


Zenware for writing which let you focus on the task of writing and nothing else.

GTD (Getting things done)

Remember the Milk

Task-manager which can remind you on the thing you should do.


Take notes of everything! Text, photos, sound or files.

Graphical work

GIMP (GimPhoto)

GIMP is the open source alternative to the comercial Photoshop. By many said to be a complete alternative. Anapplication called GimPhoto also exist which is more specialized on photo editing (based on GIMP).


Vector-drawing and illustration-tool. This is a good alternative for Illustrator for the happy amateur.

Inkscape 0.47 released



Minimalistic editor with syntax highlighting for multiple languages and support for addons.


A full development-studio with packages for almost all languages.


Get you favourite *nix-tools on the windows platform by using this console in a box.

Windows 7 near release?

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So, the news today seem to ooze of the information allegedly straight from Microsoft about Windows 7 being released between summer and christmas. Almost the same amount of people have heard summer as those who heard christmas so I think that we all can agree upon that it’s all just a bunch of rumors.

Anyhow, whether they release summer, winter, fall or spring. I will so get me a mac the next time I upgrade anyhow. I have given Microsoft about ten years now (before then I was on Mac OS) to prove that they have a clue but I was let down. The only bright spot on the Microsoft OS front was XP, really. I raise my finger for Windows 2000 which did work really smooth after a bunch of service packs but if I remember correctly there was quite too many crashes on that system as well.

To conclude, Windows – you had your go. I’m going home to Mac again.

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