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Tag Archive for Safari

Goodbye Chrome, welcome Safari!

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Safari logoWe’ve had a good run you and I. I remember writing an article in 2009 where I explained why I left Firefox for you. We’ve had a good run, but now we have come to an end. Goodbye Chrome, I’m going to use Safari instead.

I have been using Chrome more then four years and I have seen it doing about the same journey as Firefox made. Going from the hipp kid in the back of the bus, quicker and more agile then all the rest, it has now become what it set out to counter. It is today just another clunky browser.

It’s not all Chrome’s fault, I see how the plugins have made the experience much different then the product team first thought. And yes, many of the plugins I use in Chrome can be deleted but by doing so I will lose lot of functionality I’ve learnt to love.

In the end what makes or breaks a browser is speed and without really thinking about it I’ve seen myself using Safari more and more. It has not come to a point where I did the move. I defaulted Safari instead of Chrome.

Now let’s see if me and Safari can get a few years together before someone else has moved to the back of the bus – giving us things we could only dream about.

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